Silk then became one of the most important manufactured and traded goods in
ancient China, and finds of Shang dynasty (c. 1600 - 1046 BCE) silk in an Eg
yptian tomb are testimony to its esteemed value and use in early internation
al trade.
The fame of Chinese manufactured silk spread across the famous trade route w
hich took its name - the Silk Road - such was the commodity’s importance to
the Chinese economy. The Silk Road or Sichou Zhi Lu was actually an entire
network of overland camel caravan routes connecting China to the Middle East
and hence is now often referred to as the Silk Routes by historians. Silk -
in the form of the thread, woven cloth, and finished products - was thus ex
ported via middlemen (no single trader ever travelled the length of the rout
es) not only to neighbouring states such as the Korean kingdoms and Japan bu
t also to the great empires of India, Persia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. In th
e case of the latter, it is said that the eventual financial collapse of the
state was in part due to the constant drain of silver to the east where it
went to purchase the silk that the Romans could not live without. The Romans
even called the Chinese Seres, after the word for silk in that language.
【 在 zl2005010912 (一日之苟安) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: 中国历史上第一记载的西方人来中国,是明朝么
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Jan 21 12:31:41 2021), 站内
: 噗,额滴额滴都是额滴
: 【 在 runfast 的大作中提到: 】
: : 得看多西算西了。
: : 汉代就有西方来到长安建白马寺的。
: :
: --
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