Revolt, Dynastic Politics, and Aristocratic Factionalism in the Early Middle Ages: The Saxon Stellinga Reconsidered
E. J. Goldber 1995
Peter Blickle, the great scholar of the German Peasants' War of 1525, has asserted that "in the late Middle Ages Europe saw itself confronted with a phenomenon which had been unknown in the previous history of the west-the peasant rebellion."
' Is it indeed true that there are no reports of peasant revolts before the fourteenth century and in the early Middle Ages in particular? If one were to answer this question based on the Western scholarship of popular uprisings that has flourished over the last few decades, one might concur with Blickle, since this research has focused almost exclusively on the fourteenth through sixteenth centuries.
2 Yet there are a few recorded examples of peasant rebellions from the early Middle Ages, although dramatically fewer than in the late Middle Ages and the early modern period. The early-medieval revolt about which we have the most information is the Saxon Stellinga uprising of 841-42. Gerward, the author of the Annals of Xanten, described this revolt with the following words: "That same year throughout all of Saxony the power of the slaves rose up violently against their lords. They usurped for themselves the name Stellinga [apparently Old Saxon for 'companions' or 'comrades'], and they perpetrated much madness. And the nobles of that land were violently persecuted and humiliated by the slaves."
3 As the only recorded European popular revolt between the sixth and tenth century,
4 the rebellion of the Saxon Stellinga
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