【 以下文字转载自 Career_Investment 讨论区 】
发信人: worth (It's worth it.), 信区: Career_Investment
标 题: Shenzhen startup hedge fund looking for interns of system development
发信站: 水木社区 (Sun Jun 10 18:20:07 2012), 站内
CCA Investments is a Shenzhen based startup hedge fund founded by wall street
veterans with extensive experience in the A share market. It primarily invests in
domestic China market, seeking to deliver absolute and stable return for clients
through rigorous and systematic investment process. It is currently looking for interns
of System Developing. Responsibility includes providing support to the development of
automatic trading system, back office accounting and investment strategies. Experience
with C# is required and familiarity with scientific computing language Matlab or R is
preferred. Work location is in NEO building in Xiang Mi Hu area. Interested candidates
please submit resume to 23520750@qq.com and indicate time availability.
FROM 114.248.199.*