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有意向的同学请将简历发送至wmdong AT liama.ia.ac.cn和xpzhang AT nlpr.ia.ac.cn,若曾经发表过学术论文也请选择1-2篇随简历发送。
1. Major in computer science (not a must).
2. The applicants should have basic knowledge in at least one of the following areas: computer vision/image & video processing/data mining/machine learning/computer graphics.
3. The applicants should be familiar with C/C++/Matlab. Experiences with OpenCV or CUDA would be a big plus.
Possible Topics (but are not limited to):
1. Multi-view reconstruction, video-based reconstruction, dense stero matching
2. Image synthesis & editing (data-driven/learning based)
3. Information visulization
4. CV/CG applications on mobile platform
Local Advisors
Prof. Xiaopeng Zhang
LIAMA-NLPR, CAS Institute of Automation
Dr. Xing Mei
LIAMA-NLPR, CAS Institute of Automation
Dr. Weiming Dong
LIAMA-NLPR, CAS Institute of Automation
Prof. Jean-Claude Paul
INRIA, France
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FROM 159.226.21.*