【 在 DBR (丹巴人) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Spirent 思博伦通信招聘实习生
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Nov 15 11:00:30 2012), 站内
: 我们部门的实习生,希望能够比较稳定的工作一段时间,每周保证4天工作时间,比较适合研究生2,3年级的同学
: 很好的实习机会,有兴趣的同学站内联系或者发简历到lingzhi.huang@spirent.com
: Position Title: PAW Intern
: Responsibilities:
: 1. In charge of the wireless product build.
: 2. Maintain the existing automatic build server. Create new script to meet new software components build requirements.
: 3. Execute unit test, integration test and system test of the implemented solution.
: 4. Run the sanity tests and regression tests for each milestone build, report the bug/issue found during the tests and bug fix.
: Qualifications:
: 1. The 1st year or 2nd year MSEE/MSCS students
: 2. Good knowledge on MS. Net technologies/languages, such as Visual Basic .NET and Visual C++ .NET.
: 3. knowledge of CDMA/UMTS/GSM/GPRS/LTE radio access network, especially on air link Interface protocols.
: 4. Team player. Take initiative in daily work. Fast learner.
: 5. Guarantee at least 4 full days to work per week. No less than 6 months.
: --
: ※ 来源:·水木社区 newsmth.net·[FROM: 220.231.36.*]
FROM 220.231.36.*