IBM的GPFS(General Parallel File System)是全球领先的并行文件系统,在超级计算中心被广泛应用。Top500 榜单上的很多超级计算机都运行着 GPFS,全球有数以千计的高性能计算机布署了 GPFS。它支持 POSIX 语义,具有高性能、高可用性、高扩展能力、易于管理和功能丰富等特点,能够高效地工作在 1 个节点到 8000 多个节点的集群环境中。GPFS 是业界唯一能够满足不同领域需求的文件系统,除了高性能计算,它还被广泛地应用于多媒体、数据库、数据挖掘、Web 应用、网络文件服务和数据归档等众多商业环境。
GPFS团队现招聘实习生,具体要求如下。如感兴趣,请将简历投至tianzy[at]cn[dot]ibm[dot]com。 请使用“GPFS Intern”作为邮件标题。
Job Requirements (skills/experiences):
- Proficient on python.
- Have experience on web developments.
- Understand storage concepts like DAS, NAS, SAN etc.
- Understand the concept of cloud. Having experience in open stack is a plus.
- Familiar with Linux operating system and file systems
- Familiar with network concept and management skills on UNIX/Linux
- Good self-starter and quick learner, able to work independently
- Encourage to demonstrate your former works
Salary: 4~5k per month
Qualifications (Education/Major/Certificates):
- MS degree candidate in Computer Science or equivalent
- Can work at IBM full time for more than 6 months
FROM 202.108.130.*