1. 协助顾问进行项目相关需求调研、数据收集、整理、分析等;
2. 协助顾问编写项目部分解决方案;
1. 目前在校的研究生;
2. 环境相关专业的学生优先考虑;
3. 有较强的学习能力、逻辑思维能力,以及较强的语言表达和组织能力;
4. 拥有较好的沟通能力,适应团队工作和合作精神;
5. 每周至少4天,持续至少3个月;
埃森哲是全球领先的管理咨询、信息技术及外包服务机构。凭借在各个行业领域积累的丰富经验、广泛能力以及对全球最成功企业的深入研究,埃森哲与客户携手合 作,帮助其成为卓越绩效的企业和政府。作为《财富》全球500强企业之一,埃森哲全球员工逾176,000名,为遍布120多个国家的客户提供服务。截至 2009 年8月31日结束的财政年度,公司净收入达 215.8 亿美元。
埃森哲在大中华地区开展业务逾20年,目前拥有一支 4,100多人的员工队伍,分布在北京、上海、大连、广州、香港和台北。作为绩效提升专家,埃森哲始终专注于本土市场的实践与成功,致力实现超凡的客户价 值与成果。埃森哲帮助客户确定战略、优化流程、集成系统、引进创新、提高整体竞争优势,从而成就卓越绩效。
Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourc
ing company. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities ac
ross all industries and business functions and extensive research on the worl
d's most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help th
em become high-performance businesses and governments. As a Fortune Global 50
0 company, Accenture has more than 176,000 people worldwide serving clientsin
over 120 countries. The company generated net revenues of US$21.58 billion f
or the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2009.
Accenture has conducted business in Greater China for more than 20 years. Tod
ay, it has more than 4,100 people working in Greater China, throughout office
s in Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Taipei.
With a proven track record, Accenture focuses on leveraging local best practi
ces and successes, and is dedicated to delivering premium client value and re
sults. Accenture helps clients define strategy, streamline business processes
, integrate systems, promote innovation and enhance overall competitive advan
tage to ultimately attain high performance.
For more information about Accenture, please visit its corporate homepage www and its Greater China homepage
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