【亚马逊招聘】Administrative Support Intern (Business/Data Analysis direction)
Location: Beijing
This position is supposed to support:
- Operational KPI generation and publishing.
- Data model establishing and simulation for sensitive analysis
- Performance data gathering, root cause analysis, and reporting
Basic Qualifications
- Master/Bachelor degree candidate or equivalent in computer science, industrial engineering or related areas of information science
- Basic data analyze related experiences. Familiar with DB tools, SQL and Excel.
- Effective problem-solving skills; Creative
Preferred Qualifications
- Strong communication skills in spoken and written form, including English
- Self-motivation
申请职位请发送个人简历(中英文均可)至邮箱xiaoyw@amazon.com,注明姓名+专业+申请职位+实习时间(例如:张三+经济+Administrative Support Intern +6个月/每周5天)。期待你的加入!
FROM 203.81.17.*