- 主题:【思博伦通信】无线技术文档写作(Intern,1名,北京)★
1.与多个团队合作,编写并维护无线产品相关技术文档(功能性,技术性和用户手册 )。
实习时间能够6个月以上的优先考虑, 每周工作3-4天 。
如果您对以上实习岗位感兴趣,有意加入优秀的思博伦团队,请将您的简历发送至:yang.liu@spirent.com 请将邮件主题按以下格式发送:姓名+学校+应聘职位。
修改:spirent FROM 218.247.237.*
FROM 218.247.237.*
【 在 spirent 的大作中提到: 】
: 实习生 – Wireless Technical Writer
: Major Responsibilities:
: 1. The Technical Writer will work on a cross functional team to create and update product (functional, technical, and user menu) documentation. Witting technical documents for Wireless products.
: ...................
FROM 218.247.237.*
【 在 spirent 的大作中提到: 】
: 实习生 – Wireless Technical Writer
: Major Responsibilities:
: 1. The Technical Writer will work on a cross functional team to create and update product (functional, technical, and user menu) documentation. Witting technical documents for Wireless products.
: ...................
FROM 218.247.237.*
【 在 spirent 的大作中提到: 】
: 实习生 – Wireless Technical Writer
: Major Responsibilities:
: 1. The Technical Writer will work on a cross functional team to create and update product (functional, technical, and user menu) documentation. Witting technical documents for Wireless products.
: ...................
FROM 218.247.237.*
【 在 spirent 的大作中提到: 】
: Major Responsibilities:
: 1. The Technical Writer will work on a cross functional team to create and update product (functional, technical, and user menu) documentation. Witting technical documents for Wireless products.
: 2. Translate Chinese technical document to English version.
: ...................
FROM 218.247.237.*
【 在 spirent 的大作中提到: 】
: Major Responsibilities:
: 1. The Technical Writer will work on a cross functional team to create and update product (functional, technical, and user menu) documentation. Witting technical documents for Wireless products.
: 2. Translate Chinese technical document to English version.
: ...................
FROM 218.247.237.*
【 在 spirent 的大作中提到: 】
: Major Responsibilities:
: 1. The Technical Writer will work on a cross functional team to create and update product (functional, technical, and user menu) documentation. Witting technical documents for Wireless products.
: 2. Translate Chinese technical document to English version.
: ...................
FROM 218.247.237.*
【 在 spirent 的大作中提到: 】
: Major Responsibilities:
: 1. The Technical Writer will work on a cross functional team to create and update product (functional, technical, and user menu) documentation. Witting technical documents for Wireless products.
: 2. Translate Chinese technical document to English version.
: ...................
FROM 218.247.237.*
【 在 spirent 的大作中提到: 】
: Major Responsibilities:
: 1. The Technical Writer will work on a cross functional team to create and update product (functional, technical, and user menu) documentation. Witting technical documents for Wireless products.
: 2. Translate Chinese technical document to English version.
: ...................
FROM 218.247.237.*
【 在 spirent 的大作中提到: 】
: Major Responsibilities:
: 1. The Technical Writer will work on a cross functional team to create and update product (functional, technical, and user menu) documentation. Witting technical documents for Wireless products.
: 2. Translate Chinese technical document to English version.
: ...................
FROM 218.247.237.*