请将中英文简历发送至邮箱 recruitment@stratopgroup.com
职位责任- 辅助定义客户关键问题并进行结构化分析
- 进行访谈和数据挖掘,收集关键信息
- 积极参与项目团队内部问题讨论
- 参与咨询建议的提出
职位要求- 能够全职实习2个月以上的同学可优先考虑
- 拥有全球知名学校的教育背景(高年级优先)
- 对咨询行业有浓厚的兴趣
- 出众的逻辑分析能力
- 出众的团队合作与领导能力
- 出众的沟通与表达能力
o 专业性:我们秉承全球顶级管理咨询公司的工作方法和运营方式,合伙人和资深专家都曾在顶级咨询公司或大型跨国企业工作多年,有丰富的管理咨询和高级管理经验、开阔的全球化视野,并且拥有全球一流的教育背景
o 快速成长:我们的业务正在快速增长,我们定位于服务中国市场上业务快速发展、拥有专业人士的企业/部门。这些客户处于各行各业,对专业的咨询服务有持续稳定的需求,这样的定位决定了我们有稳定增长的客户业务,大部分客户都和我们建立了长期的战略合作伙伴关系
o 重视人才发展:我们在为客户创造价值的同时非常致力于鼓励人才的发展,与其他等级分明的管理咨询公司相比,我们的年轻同事经常被鼓励承担责任、负责重要的工作流,在合伙人和资深顾问的指导下应对挑战,实现快速成长,在获得专业技能的同时培养综合的管理能力
About us:1. Our Firm
StratOp Group is an emerging management consulting firm. We’re dedicated to help aspiring companies achieve fast and sustainable growth through management optimization and business innovation, while building a great firm where talented people enjoy delivering practical impact and achieve significant personal development. Our approach aims at delivering customized and actionable solutions for the unique needs of our clients, guiding them from the problem definition phase all the way to the practical implementation of the solutions.
2. Our People
Our senior consultants all have extensive experience working for the leading global consulting firms and global enterprises. They served clients in a wide range of industries, solving problems that spaced across all functional areas. Most of them developed a significant international experience, either working for international clients or pursuing an advanced degree from the top schools in Europe or in the US.
3. Our Culture
As a firm we put the maximum attention to developing and maintaining a strong and distinct culture, that shapes our actions and creates a positive and constructive environment, which is the basis to attract and retain the best talents.
4. Our Client
Our clients are among the top or fastest-growing members in their industries, and we have been successfully taking most of them into long-term cooperation through our outstanding work and commitment. We help these clients addressing their key issues, using customized approaches and consistently high standard of quality. As a result of that, we have been substantially growing our client study volume at an enormous speed in the past, both by gaining return studies from regular clients and by receiving studies from new clients.
http://www.stratopgroup.com/ ,或致电+86 010-8518-5800
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