奔驰金融 Daimler Commercial Vehicle Finance Team 招聘靠谱实习生:
Brief Description of Assignment:
o Support in DCVF Marketing, Product Development and Dealer Training area
o Support in the administrative work of the team, such as procurement signing procedures, arranging team activities, making meeting minutes, reimbursement, etc.
Qualification Requirement:
o Bachelor degree or above
o 6 months and 4-5 days attendance per week
o Must stay student identity during the whole internship
o Positive attitude and good sense of responsibility
o Good communication skills and fluent English
o Proficient in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel
1. 工作地点:梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车金融有限公司 北京市朝阳区望京街8号院 利星行广场C座9层
2. 税前工资3000RMB
3. 公司每日两种水果,咖啡可乐无限量供应
4. 团队氛围极其融洽
5. 上下班多线路班车接送
6. 实习结束后会有戴姆勒奔驰开出的实习证明
Please send your resume (both CN & EN version) to:
Email title: "name-school-major-grade"
FROM 116.213.137.*