汤森路透 C++开发实习生
“全球最受尊敬公司(World’s Most Admired Companies)” 金融数据服务行业第1名
《商业周刊》“2013全球品牌百强榜(Top 100 Global Brands)”第47名
“2009全球最具道德企业(World’s Most Ethical Companies)”
汤森路透集团旗下的汤森路透知识产权与科技事业部长期以来一直致力于为全球学术界与企业界的研发和创新提供强大的科技与知识产权信息解决方案。 汤森路透股票在多伦多和纽约证券交易所上市交易(代码:TRI)欲获得更多信息,请访问:
http://www.thomsonreuters.com Job Description:
We are the leading source of intelligent information for the world's businesses and professionals, providing customers with competitive advantage. Intelligent information is a unique synthesis of human intelligence, industry expertise and innovative technology that provides decision-makers with the knowledge to act, enabling them to make better decisions faster. We deliver this must-have insight to the financial and risk, legal, tax and accounting, intellectual property and science and media markets, powered by the world's most trusted news organization.
Key Responsibilities:
Developing server application to retrieve real-time data, transform and republish to real-time system
Developing server application to retrieve data from database server and publish to real-time system
Developing software application modules using disciplined software development processes.
Ensuring the quality of software meets needs of business.
Work closely with support consultant group to address and provide resolution of client impacting issues
Bachelor Degree or higher in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or any related fields
C++ language development experience
Understanding of Unix/Linux operating systems
Thorough understanding of Object Oriented principles and multi-threading programming
Experience in scripting language like python script or shell script
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