Osram Semiconductors是业界顶级的LED制造商,原西门子旗下部分,后分拆独立上市。其战略部门负责人为德国人,出身麦肯锡,后在剑桥读MBA,负责过公司内部Strategy,做过创业,经验丰富,人非常nice,善于带人;团队预计会有另外两名麦肯锡出身的senior员工加入。由于行业特点及老板本人的经历(中国交流经历,太太系中国人),希望另招募1-2名中国实习生。
(附上一点个人心得:本人交大学生,去年也是无意发现这个看上去莫名其妙的广告,莫名其妙去了德国,又莫名其妙留了下来。所以大家对其真实性可以放心。这份工作比较适合希望有海外经历甚至想体验GAP YEAR的同学,实习本身就能提供基本覆盖欧洲旅游经费的工资;如果拿到最终return的话,你可以自行决定在德国工作年限,工资和带薪假足够在欧洲到处浪的)
关于能力需求:类似于战略咨询行业的入门门槛,面试前建议看些case study;对德语无任何要求,但是英语要求较高,需满足在德国基本的生存和工作需求。)
International Strategy Internship with Osram Semiconductors in Germany
The Internship:
- Work together with the strategy team of Osram Semiconductors to define the Strategy of the world’s second largest LED manufacturer
- Conduct market research, analyze data, prepare presentations and discuss results with senior execute management
- Close coaching by former McKinsey-Consultant will be provided
- This internship is a great opportunity to gain the fundamentals for a career in Corporate Strategy, M&A and Market Intelligence (1/3 of the interns later on work for McKinsey, BCG or Investment Banking)
- Osram Semiconductors will provide a salary for a good life in Germany; Weekends and vacations will allow for trips to the famous European places (Paris, Rom, Venice, Vienna, etc)
- Excellent grades from a top-notch university (Tshinghua, PKU, Fudan, Shanghai Jiaotong)
- Fluent in English (No requirements over Germen, but that can be a plus)
- Good analytic skills and basic sense of the business world
- Min. 4 months internship, ideally 6 months
How to apply:
- Send your CV (in English only) to alexa.Bender-ext@osram-os.com, and CC to jiexin.Hou@osram-os.com and andreas.guan@osram-os.com
FROM 112.65.223.*