【单位简介】美国农村发展研究所(Landesa Rural Development Institute,RDI)是一家国际非赢利机构,最初起源于美国华盛顿大学,总部设在西雅图,目前在中国和印度的设有办事处。机构宗旨是协助保护和争取发展中国家贫困农民的土地财产权益,实现“耕者有其田”的理想。机构的主要工作方式是与当地政府开展广泛的合作,促进法律、政策方面的改革和落实。美国农村发展研究所自1987年以来就开始了在中国农村土地制度方面的工作,迄今为止已经和多家中央部委、学术机构以及国际组织(包括世界银行、联合国粮农组织、亚洲开发银行等)开展了多项农村土地制度方面的合作项目,不仅与相关研究机构建立了相当牢固的合作关系,更与国内农业问题泰斗、农业问题政策制定者、最为活跃的研究者有密切交往。
Position: Intern Research Assistant
The Position reports to a Researcher/Attorney overseeing specific projects.
Please note: this position requires the candidates to work at least 3 days per week at Landesa's office in Beijing. Please highlight your current location in your CV.
[About Landesa]
Landesa is a nonprofit organization that partners with governments and local organizations to secure legal land rights for world’s poorest families. Since 1967, Landesa has helped more than 100 million poor families in 35 countries gain legal control over their land. When families have secure rights to land, they can invest in their land to sustainably increase their harvests and reap the benefits—improved nutrition, health, education, and dignity.
Landesa partners with governments, world leaders, NGOs, foundations, donor agencies such as the World Bank, USAID, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and others to design and implement land laws, policies and programs that provide opportunity, further economic growth and promote social justice through land rights.
Based in Seattle, Landesa has program office in Beijing,China.Landesa has acted as an advisor to top national policy makers in China, providing data-driven solutions to strengthen land rights for tens of million farming families.
[Essential job functions for the position include]:
Conducts research on a broad range of topics such as rural land rights in developing countries, comparative real property law, commercial law, and world affairs.
Prepares memoranda or other written work product presenting and explaining research results.
Edits and cite-checks work product prepared by Landesa’s professionals.
Translation and interpretation upon request.
Carries out miscellaneous administrative tasks and other duties in support of the Program team, depending upon the needs of the organization.
[Background/Qualifications Preferred]:
A deep commitment to the mission of a better, safer future for the world’s poorest people through secure land property rights;
Have completed one year of post-graduate level education relevant to Landesa’s work (e.g. law school, international development, social science, economics, public affairs, journalism, etc.)
Experience and/or shown interest in international development, law, and issues in transitioning economies;
Fluent English a must, good Mandarin preferred;
Be proficient in Microsoft Office and internet. Ability to use electronic legal and/or social science research tools preferred;
Be available to work 24-40 hours per week at Landesa’s office in Beijing for the duration of the internship;
-What interns can expect from their Landesa internship?
Experience working at an international non-profit organization involved in promoting secure land rights and poverty reduction
Mentoring from experienced practitioners
The opportunity to do research work/project that can be used in a work portfolio or for course credit
-What Landesa expects from Interns?
Commitment to the mission of a better safer future for the world’s poorest people
Clear goal set for the internship and a strong drive to meet these goals
Detail-oriented in their work in such a way that can meet their supervisor’s demand for high quality assistance in research and project work
Superb capacity in learning
A frank, open and collaborative attitude
To apply, please send your resume to danqunw@landesa.org. Due to the large volume of applications, only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
FROM 223.223.194.*