- 主题:【实习】【红帽软件】Linux技术支持实习生
格式为:实习生 应聘岗位 姓名 学校 专业 每周实习天数 持续月数
Job Summary
Red Hat's Global Support Delivery team is looking for an intern with good communication skills to join us in Beijing, China. In this role, you'll learn from our team while working in a multicultural environment. You will also have the opportunity to study Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) technology and get the certificate.
Primary Job Responsibilities
Learn about the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system and acquire troubleshooting skills
Build teamwork and communication skills
Get familiar with and participate in customer support related work
Pass the Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam
Required Skills
Bachelor's degree in computer science or other scientific or technical field
Linux or UNIX experience is a big plus
Fluent written and verbal English language skills
Advanced written and verbal Japanese/ Cantonese/ Korean language skill
Ability to communicate clearly
Open source development experience is an advantage
FROM 119.254.120.*
【 在 redhathr 的大作中提到: 】
: 简历投递邮箱wchang@redhat.com
: 格式为:实习生 应聘岗位 姓名 学校 专业 每周实习天数 持续月数
: Job Summary
: ...................
FROM 124.205.76.*
【 在 useCASE 的大作中提到: 】
: 地点?有没有工资或补贴?
薪资200/天 税前。
FROM 119.254.120.*
【 在 redhathr 的大作中提到: 】
: 工作地点:海淀区--知春里。
: 目前Linux技术支持已经招满,如果愿意可以考虑虚拟化测试实习生岗位。
: ...................
FROM 124.205.76.*
【 在 useCASE 的大作中提到: 】
: 半年后还有Linux技术支持实习岗么?
FROM 119.254.120.*