Job Title: Software Developer: C/C++ interface programming
Location: Shanghai/Beijing
Job Description:
OpenPower team in IBM Systems organization aims to develop OpenCAPI Heterogeneous Computing user cases on FPGA. In this program, you can participate in following three projects:
- Deep learning neural network inference engine on FPGA
- H.265 video encoder porting to CAPI interface
- Apache Arrow scheme and fast regular expression pattern match
You will analyze the algorithms, run profiling, help decide which part to be accelerated, use C++ to describe the particular algorithms, and integrate CAPI interface to make a complete solution. The development work will be based on CAPI-FPGA programming framework named “SNAP”. We already have the kernel hardware modules, and need to continue working on surrounding software design, how to invoke hardware acceleration, evaluate and optimize the performance.
You will learn the state-of-the-art I/O subsystem technology of CAPI and OpenCAPI, which is the best choice for a FPGA device connecting to a Host Server and provide acceleration.
It’s also a very good opportunity to study algorithms, and bring the research artwork into engineering practice.
Required Skills:
* Be familiar with C/C++, understand the basic data structure and algorithms. Has worked in Linux environment, and be familiar with script languages like shell/perl. It’s better to have experience in C interface with other languages, i.e, Java to C or Phython to C.
* According to the specific project, it also requires the candidate to know how to use Caffe/Tensorflow to generate a model, process input data, and understand one or two CNN model’s details. OR, be familiar with the video encoding diagram and algorithms, the performance evaluation and optimization methods.
1. Graduate in 2019/2020
2. Master degree
3. English: Fluent and willingness to work with worldwide team
How to Apply:
Please send your resume with title 'Apply for 2018 IBM Intern Position,20XX Master, YourName' to:
Job Title: Hardware Developer: FPGA design and implementation
Location: Shanghai/Beijing
Job Description:
OpenPower team in IBM Systems organization aims to develop OpenCAPI Heterogeneous Computing user cases on FPGA. In this program, you can participate in following three projects:
- Deep learning neural network inference engine on FPGA
- H.265 video encoder porting to CAPI interface
- Apache Arrow scheme and fast regular expression pattern match
You will use hardware description language VHDL/Verilog or C++ to implement particular algorithms, integrate CAPI interface to make a complete solution. The development work will be based on CAPI-FPGA programming framework named “SNAP”. We already have the kernel hardware modules, and need to continue working on surrounding logic design, simulation, placement, routing and testing on FPGA, and then evaluate the performance.
You will learn the state-of-the-art I/O subsystem technology of CAPI and OpenCAPI, which is the best choice for a FPGA device connecting to a Host Server and provide acceleration.
It’s also a very good opportunity to study algorithm, and bring the research artwork into engineering practice.
Required Skills:
* Rich experience in Verilog/VHDL programming and simulation tools. Be familiar with AXI bus, DDR memory controller and PCIe IP. Understand the details of front end logic design, like FSM, registers, FIFO, parallel, pipeline, reset and so on. Be able to do some basic timing analysis and optimize the critical paths.
* It’s better to have practice in Xilinx FPGA developing methodology.
* Be familiar with Linux environment and scripts like Shell/Tcl.
1. Graduate in 2019/2020
2. Master degree
3. English: Fluent and willingness to work with worldwide team
How to Apply:
Please send your resume with title 'Apply for 2018 IBM Intern Position,20XX Master, YourName' to:
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