? 关于我们
第一曼哈顿(First Manhattan Co.)是一家位于纽约的资产管理公司。公司成立于1964年,遵循基本面价值投资。其建立在长期客户关系基础上的管理资产超过170亿美元。公司的创始人David Gottesman 是 Warren Buffett 的老朋友,亦是 Berkshire Hathaway 的董事会成员之一。
? 实习信息
工作地点: 深圳(为外地实习生提供交通住宿补贴)、上海(仅限本地学生,医药行业不限)
o 独立自主识别、分析、推荐潜在投资机会的股票
o 与上市公司管理层进行电话会跟进后续研究
o 代表第一北京团队对上市公司进行实地尽职调研
o 对买方投资研究有强烈动力和热情
o 扎实的学习能力,工作勤奋,习惯创新想法和批判性思维
o 具有基本的证券研究和/或个人交易经验是一大优势
o 不限专业、年级,2022年及以后毕业学生优先
o 医药行业要求有生物、医学、药学相关背景或长期扎实的研究功底
o 协助分析师开展研究工作
o 对买方投资研究有较强的兴趣
o 扎实的学习能力,工作勤奋,习惯创新想法和批判性思维
o 不限专业、年级,2023年及以后毕业学生优先
? 两个职位可以同时投递,招聘独立进行
? 我们的优势
o 导师全程指导
o 充分了解第一曼哈顿第一北京的长期价值投资方法
o 对职业技能的专业训练
o 极具竞争力的薪资水平以及完善的奖励机制
o 为热衷投资事业的年轻人提供广阔的职业发展空间
? 招聘流程
3月31日前: 简历筛选
4月2日 – 4月16日: 实习分析师岗位测试
4月24日 – 4月30日: 实习分析师岗位面试(远程)
5月1日 – 5月7日: 发放Offer
? 申请方式
o 请在2021年3月31日(北京时间)23:59之前将您的简历发送到hr@firstbeijing.com。
o 申请“基本面实习分析师”的同学请在电子邮件主题上标记“2021 Summer Intern Analyst”,并将简历命名为“中文姓名+英文姓名+大学+专业+毕业年份”。
o 申请“基本面实习研究生助理”的同学请在电子邮件主题上标记“2021 Summer Intern Research Assistant”,并将简历命名为“中文姓名+英文姓名+大学+专业+毕业年份”,并附上一封cover letter。
o 同时申请两个岗位的同学请分别发送申请邮件。
? About Us
First Manhattan Co. (FMC) is an investment management company based in New York City. Founded in 1964, the company manages investments with fundamental value investing approach. Built on long-term client relationship, its asset under management (AUM) has reached over $17 billion,. The company's founder David Gottesman, a longtime friend of Mr. Warren Buffett, is one of the board members of Berkshire Hathaway.
First Beijing manages FMC's Greater China investments.
? Internship Information
Location: : Shenzhen (transportation and accommodation allowance provided for non-Shenzhen interns, Shanghai (only open for locale candidates)
After the summer break, non-Shenzhen interns might work remotely at Beijing office or Shanghai office.
Position 1:Intern Analyst
Job description:
o Act as a self-starter to identify, research and recommend stocks as potential investment opportunities.
o Participate in conference calls with listed company management to fulfill follow-up research tasks.
o Represent First Beijing team to conduct on the ground due diligence to listed companies.
o Strong motivation and passion for buy-side investment research.
o Solid learning capacity, good working diligence and a habit of innovative idea-generation and critical thinking
o Prior experience in fundamental equity research and/or personal trading experience is a big plus
o No limitation on majors and grades, but students graduating from 2022 and onwards would be preferred
o For pharmaceuticals industry, majoring in biology, medicine or pharmacology, or a long-term track record of related research work is required
Program Duration:
The internship starts from the summer of 2021, and lasts for 3 to 6 months. Interns who pass our assessment will have opportunities for full-time offers.
Position 1:Intern Research Assistant
Job description:
o Assist analysts in research work
o Strong interest in buy-side investment research.
o Solid learning capacity, good working diligence and a habit of innovative idea-generation and critical thinking
o No limitation on majors and grades, but students graduating from 2023 and onwards would be preferred
Program Duration:
The internship starts from the summer of 2021, and lasts for 3 to 6 months. Interns who pass our assessment will have opportunities for intern analyst offers.
? Candidates can apply for the two positions at the same time, and recruitment is carried out independently.
? What We Offer
o Mentors’ full guidance through the whole internship
o Significant exposure to FMC First Beijing’s long-term, value-oriented investment approach
o Professional trainings for essential skills
o Competitive compensation and well-designed incentive program
o Fast track to professional investing career for young talented students who are truly passionate about investing
? Recruitment Process
? By March 31: CV Screening
? April 2 – April 16: Test for Intern Research Analyst position
Interview for Intern Research Assistant position
? April 24 - April 30: Interview for Intern Research Analyst position
? May 1 - May 7: Offer
? How to Apply
o Please send your application and resume to hr@firstbeijing.com before 23:59 on March 31, 2021 (Beijing Time).
o For Intern Analyst candidates, please mark the e-mail subject with “2021 Summer Intern Analyst” and name your resume in “Chinese Name + English Name + University + Major + Year to graduate” format.
o For Intern Research Assistant candidates, please mark the e-mail subject with “2021 Summer Intern Research Assistant” and name your resume in “Chinese Name + English Name + University + Major + Year to graduate” format,and attach a cover letter with it。
o For candidates who apply for the two positions, please send two application emails separately。
FROM 113.88.113.*