- 主题:IBM CDL 招聘实习生
Position: UI (User Interface) Designer
Headcount: 2
Department: Test as a Service Competency Center
1. Must have skills with Dreamweaver and Photoshop
2. Must master HTML/DHTML, Javascript and CSS
3. Must master JSP/servlet
4. Must be familiar with Ajax(Dojo framework), prototype
5. Must be familiar with flash
6. Have good communication skills
7. Have at least one year java developing experience
8. Knowledge in popular databases, such as DB2, is a plus.
9. Knowledge in web container, such as tomcat, Websphere Application Server is a plus.
Applicants should be available 4-5 days per week until the end of October.
If you are interested in this position, please send your resume to sunrong@cn.ibm.com with subject "intern-your name-university".
FROM 202.108.130.*
【 在 tiancheng520 (tiancheng520) 的大作中提到: 】
: Position: UI (User Interface) Designer
: Headcount: 2
: Department: Test as a Service Competency Center
: ...................
FROM 59.66.140.*
up &&&&&
【 在 tiancheng520 (tiancheng520) 的大作中提到: 】
: Position: UI (User Interface) Designer
: Headcount: 2
: Department: Test as a Service Competency Center
: ...................
FROM 202.108.130.*
请申请的同学注意自己能否保证工作时间 :每周4-5天,半年以上
【 在 tiancheng520 (tiancheng520) 的大作中提到: 】
: Position: UI (User Interface) Designer
: Headcount: 2
: Department: Test as a Service Competency Center
: ...................
FROM 202.108.130.*
【 在 tiancheng520 (tiancheng520) 的大作中提到: 】
: up
: 现在还剩下一个名额。
: 请申请的同学注意自己能否保证工作时间 :每周4-5天,半年以上
: ...................
FROM 202.108.130.*