【 在 lyrahxn 的大作中提到: 】
: CAMERON | PACE Group (CPG) is the industry leader in 3D technologies and production services -- from SLATE2SCREEN(TM) and ON SET LAB(TM). Led by co-founders James Cameron and Vince Pace, CPG is advancing the future of 3D through the development of products, solutions and creative tools for use across all media channels. Supporting networks, studios, broadcasters, filmmakers and creative teams globally, the company's unparalleled expertise helps content producers realize the full potential of 3D as a new, immersive and powerful storytelling medium.
: 卡梅隆佩斯(Caremon Pace Group)是全球著名影视视效公司,由詹姆斯.卡梅隆于2011年成立,致力于通过使用最顶尖的影视技术以及最好的3D技术制作出最好的内容。卡梅隆佩斯(中国)在天津市滨海高科区和北京CBD地区均设有办公室。CPG的技术在《阿凡达》、《奇幻森林》、《少年派的奇幻漂流》、《变形金刚》、《加勒比海盗》等多部奥斯卡级别的大制作中应用。CGP中国也是《三生三世十里桃花》《大闹天宫II:西游记之孙悟空三打白骨精》等国产大制作的主要视效服务商。
: 现应新业务拓展需求,招聘实习生,工作范围:
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FROM 1.202.17.*