这个和Qt没关系,是LGPL v3 和 v2.1差异。只不过是 v2.1规定的不够细,v3补充上了。
简单来说,你使用了LGPL的Qt编写的程序,发布以后,你需要保证客户可以用你提供的Qt源码,编译出来Qt的可以自由替换你使用的Qt动态库。 这在PC下面,很容易理解
【 在 IOIII 的大作中提到: 】
: In the embedded space, LGPLv3 in essence prevents the creation of locked-down devices. So any Qt user will then either help the ecosystem by creating an open device that allows Qt developers to target a larger market, or help the ecosystem by funding further development of the product. For desktop and mobile applications, the changes compared to LGPLv2.1 are smaller, but there are important clarifications for example related to mandatory patent license in case of distributing under LGPLv3 or GPLv3.
FROM 111.198.158.*