info make
5.7.1 How the 'MAKE' Variable Works
Recursive 'make' commands should always use the variable 'MAKE', not the
explicit command name 'make', as shown here:
cd subdir && $(MAKE)
The value of this variable is the file name with which 'make' was
invoked. If this file name was '/bin/make', then the recipe executed is
'cd subdir && /bin/make'. If you use a special version of 'make' to run
the top-level makefile, the same special version will be executed for
recursive invocations.
【 在 wangkk2012 (wangkk2012) 的大作中提到: 】
: 大家好,做嵌入式开发时,有些细节一直没有注意,只知道是这么用,但是今天深究了一下,感觉到自己的不足。有谁能够深入的解释一下这个$(MAKE) 是个什么啊!
: ifeq ($(KERNELRELEASE),)
: KERNELDIR ?=/home/linux_source/source/linux-
: ...................
FROM 103.90.178.*