- 主题:--零起点学韩语(每天十分钟)--
Day 1
Syllable block. (two to four letters)
?????, 估计左边是乱码
1. 基本元音
a , eo , o , u, eu , i
ieung : silent, as a place holder.
2. Iotized Vowels
ya yeo yu yo
3. 复合元音 Diphthongs
a. 在基础元音上加 i
ae, e, ui , yae ,ye
ae, e, eui, yae ,ye
多数方言中 ae = e, yae = ye
b. 加o, 或 u
wa wae oe wo we wi
wa wae oi wo we wi
wae, oe, we 发音同
doNeos ;doughnut
FROM 222.90.62.*
m /m/
n /n/
ng /?/ (no sound at start of syllable)
g /g/ or /k/
b /b/ or /p/
d /d/ or /t/
l/r /?/or /l/
j /?/ jam
s /s/ or /?/
,, g b d 同时代表清浊,均不送气
r 象西语的r, 后置时象l
s 一般象s, 在 i 或 iotized 元音前象 sh
Korea hanGug ??
Seoul seoUl ??
Busan buSan ??
Washington woSingTeon ???
New York nyuYog ??
apartment aPaTeu ???
cola kolLa ??
party paTi ??
ice cream aISeuKeuLim ?????
coffee keoPi ??
moutain san ?
room bang ?
sea bada ??
road gil ?
park gongWon ??
jeoNeun hanGugE eobsSeubNiDa
?? ??? ????
gilI gongWonE issSeubNiDa
?? ??? ????
namJaGa hanGugE issSeubNiDa
??? ??? ????
【 在 limp 的大作中提到: 】
: Day 1
: Syllable block. (two to four letters)
: 找了个韩文输入法,camelCase的方式输入韩文
: ...................
FROM 222.90.62.*
送气音 Aspirants
k /k?/
p /p?/
t /t?/
ch /t??/
h /h/
Tense Consonants 紧音
kk /k/
pp /p/
tt /t/
jj /t?/
ss /s/
extra emphasis.
有时非紧音如 ( )g,b,j,s,d 在单词中也会变为紧音, especially for younger speakers.
chA ; tea, car
chinGu ; friend
jaDongCha ; car
meSiJi ; message
sinMun; newspaper
gaJog ; family
gong ; ball
goMabSeubnida ; thank you
gamSaHabnida ; thank you
silLyeHabnida ; excuse me
goaenCanhSeubnida ; fine
joiSongHabnida ; sorry
aniyo ; no
【 在 limp 的大作中提到: 】
: Day 1
: Syllable block. (two to four letters)
: 找了个韩文输入法,camelCase的方式输入韩文
: ...................
FROM 222.90.60.*
g : g k gg
d : d t s ss j ch h
b : b p
n : n
m : m
ng : ng
l : l
iLeum | name
goMaWo | thanks
anNyeongHaSibNiGga | Hello?
manNaSeo banGabSeubNiDa | nice to meet you
hoanYeongHabNiDa | welcome
anNyeongHaSeYo | Hello
【 在 limp (零起点) 的大作中提到: 】
: Day 1
: Syllable block. (two to four letters)
: 找了个韩文输入法,camelCase的方式输入韩文
: ...................
FROM 222.90.58.*
g gs lg
n nch nh
l lb ls lt lh
m lm
b lb bs
cha | tea
jib | home
bang | room
san | mountain
gongWon | park
bada | sea
iLeum | name
aNyo | no
【 在 limp (零起点) 的大作中提到: 】
: 音节最后只有几个可能的音
: g : g k gg
: d : d t s ss j ch h
: ...................
FROM 222.90.58.*
接元音时,最后的辅音(除了 ng , h ) 会移动到下一个章节。
ng 不移动
h 在元音前不发音
紧音gg,ss 不是成对辅音
dogIl | doGil
usEum | uSeum
yeongEo | yeongEo
goanYongEo | goaNyongEo
nohIDa | noIDa
dalgI | galGi
manhI | maNi //h 消失,n 移到下一音节
yeoggEum | yeoGgeum
yeongHoaNeun jaeMiEobsSeubnida.
bbangEun masIssSeubnida
hanGug hagSaeng
bbangI masEobsSeubnida
namJaGa meosIssSeubnida
namJaGa meosEobsSeubnida
【 在 limp (零起点) 的大作中提到: 】
: 两个辅音在最后时,只有一个发音
: g gs lg
: n nch nh
: ...................
FROM 222.90.63.*
nasal : n , m , final ng
g k gg+nasal | ng + nasal | gugMul -> gungMul
g k gg+l | ng+ n | nagLoi ->nangNoi
d t s ss j ch h +nasal | n +nasel | ggochMal -> ggonMal
b p + nasal | m +nasel | ibNiDa ->imNiDa, eobsNeun->eomNeun
b + l | m + n | beobLyul -> beomNyul
l +n | l +l | silNae -> silLae
【 在 limp 的大作中提到: 】
: Day 1
: Syllable block. (two to four letters)
: 找了个韩文输入法,camelCase的方式输入韩文
: ...................
修改:limp FROM 222.90.61.*
FROM 222.90.61.*
meosIss ?? | cool
masEobs ?? | bland
hagSaeng ?? | student
yeongHoa ?? | film
masIss ?? | delicious
jaeMi ?? | fun
chinGu ?? | friend
gaJog ?? | family
gong ? | ball
jaDongCha ??? | car
"Revised Romanization" 官方标准,90s
Samsung ==> samseong
Hyundai ==> hyeondae
1. 有时句末的r会丢失,归入元音
2. 单音节被拆开,以处理辅音群
United => yuNaITiDeu ?????
【 在 limp 的大作中提到: 】
: Day 1
: Syllable block. (two to four letters)
: 找了个韩文输入法,camelCase的方式输入韩文
: ...................
FROM 222.90.61.*
To Be : ~IDa ~??
-haGo ?? 口语 ????
-wa ? 元后 ???
-gwa ? 辅后 ???
yeonPil | ?? | pencil
bbang | ? | bread
hagGyo | ?? | school
saLam | ?? | person
goYangI | ??? | cat
gae | ? | dog
【 在 limp 的大作中提到: 】
: Day 1
: Syllable block. (two to four letters)
: 找了个韩文输入法,camelCase的方式输入韩文
: ...................
FROM 222.90.62.*
主语标记(The subject marker)
元后: ga
辅后: i
主题标记(The topic marker)
元后: neun
辅后: eun
neun在口语中会简化为-n, namJaNeun->namJan ??? ??
The topic marker adds
or limits what is being talked about.
? (I) 主语标记ga前变为 ?
Usage Example Explanation
Limited topic:
?? ?????. (I am a woman.)
Irrelevant of anyone else, I am a woman.
(May imply that someone else might be as well.)
Contrasting topic
?? ?????. (I am a woman.)
Unlike the others, I am a woman.
?? ?????. (I am a woman.)
I am a woman. (May imply that out of the given options, I am the one who is a woman.)
?/? can be used with general statements as well because you only want to talk about the notion as a group, and nothing else.
General topic
?? ?????. (Bread is food.)
Bread, for one, is food.
General subject
?? ?????. (Bread is food.)
Out of the given choices, it is bread that is food.
A sentence may have several topics.
Why a topic is not considered as a special case of a subject will be explained later.
【 在 limp 的大作中提到: 】
: Day 1
: Syllable block. (two to four letters)
: 找了个韩文输入法,camelCase的方式输入韩文
: ...................
FROM 222.90.62.*