Day 4
này ; this/these
?ó/kia ; that/those
?ay ; this/these, similar to “this is..." or “these are...".
作宾语时,này, ?ó/kia 加分类词cái
cái này = this
cái ?ó = that
nhung cái này = these
nhung cái ?ó = those
bình thuong. ; normal
Chào mung! ; welcome
thích ; like
goi ; order
và ; and
hay ; or
cam ; orange
sach ; book
tap chi ; magazine
?ia ; plate
com ; rice
?i ; go
tap ; practice
?oc ; read
thuc ?on ; menu
bao ; newspaper
giàu ; rich
giau ; hide
Mot to giay ; a sheet of paper
Thu ; letter, mail
Mot soi day ; string
Ho an mot ?ia com.
【 在 limp 的大作中提到: 】
: Day 1
: 听了一下六个声调: 横 玄 跌 问 锐 重
: 熟悉了一下越南语的输入法
: ...................
FROM 222.90.57.*