Day 5
元音: + s [O menino > Os meninos, A menina > As meninas]
r,s,z: + es [A mulher > As mulheres]
M: change to "ns" [O homem > Os homens]
L: change to "is" (不重复 "i")
O animal > Os animais
O papel > Os papéis (the papers)
O funil > Os funis (the funnels)
("e" and "o" will need an accent if the word doesn't have one already)
其它模式 ...
Os teus livros sao vermelhos = Your books are red
As tuas macas sao vermelhas = Your apples are red
a carta ; es:la carta
o jornal ; newspaper
o jantar ; dinner
a chave ; key
o bife ; steak
a laranja ; orange
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: Day 1
: 定冠
: 阳 o
: ...................
FROM 222.90.56.*