Day 10
There can be more than one classifier that can match with a noun
but not all nouns will have two or more classifiers.
Cái and chiec : the most common classifiers. 70%
Quyen and cuon : 书或者象书的东西
Qua and trái : 水果或者其它一些小型的球体或类球体
To : 一张纸或者象一张纸的东西,报纸也归于此类
viet ; write
Can than! ; look out
Please help yourself.
Làm on cu tu nhiên.
【 在 limp 的大作中提到: 】
: Day 1
: 听了一下六个声调: 横 玄 跌 问 锐 重
: 熟悉了一下越南语的输入法
: ...................
FROM 222.90.62.*