Day 5
yang ; just like which, that or i.e.
but, omitting the "yang" would make it lose its original meaning.
tapi = tetapi = but (tetapi is more formal)
ketika = saat = waktu = when (at the time that)
Saya berbicara dengan ragu.
Saya belajar di sekolah khusus.
Your are tall enough.
Kamu cukup tinggi.
Tomat, kubis, wortel, dan labu itu sayur.
Tomatoes, cabbages, carrots, and pumpkins are vegetables.
Seperti ini? Like this?
belajar ; learn
lebih ; more
ragu ; doubt
cukup ; enough
umum ; public
【 在 limp 的大作中提到: 】
: Day 1
: adalah ; to be , 强调名词,一般不用
: No
: ...................
FROM 222.90.62.*