-in (female)
ge- (both genders)
pra- : long ago, in the distant past
praavo great-grandfather
praavino great-grandmother
prageavoj great-grandparents
prahistorio = prehistory
prahomo = ancient man
his own, her own, its own or their own.
Li vidas sian hundon.
He sees his [own] dog.
Li vidas lian hundon.
He sees his [someone else's] dog.
Ili nun estas en sia hejmo. They are now in their [own] home.
Ili nun estas en ilia hejmo. They are now in their [their friends'] home.
主语是mi,ni,vi 时,不要用 sia
Vi havas vian hundon.
You have your [own] dog.
means "as"
两个单词都要加-n, 因为都是直接宾语
Si traktas lin kiel fraton.
She treats him like a brother.
Li amas sian nevinon kiel filinon.
He loves his niece like a daughter.
Kiom agas
How old are you?
Kiom vi agas? (lit. How much you are-age?)
Kiom is used with age, since age is a quantity (of years).
An alternative way
Kiom da jaroj vi havas? (lit "How many years do you have?") .
Sia naskigtago okazos la duan de februaro.
Sofia vojagis al Rusio la dudekan de junio.
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