主语标记(The subject marker)
元后: ga
辅后: i
主题标记(The topic marker)
元后: neun
辅后: eun
neun在口语中会简化为-n, namJaNeun->namJan ??? ??
The topic marker adds
or limits what is being talked about.
? (I) 主语标记ga前变为 ?
Usage Example Explanation
Limited topic:
?? ?????. (I am a woman.)
Irrelevant of anyone else, I am a woman.
(May imply that someone else might be as well.)
Contrasting topic
?? ?????. (I am a woman.)
Unlike the others, I am a woman.
?? ?????. (I am a woman.)
I am a woman. (May imply that out of the given options, I am the one who is a woman.)
?/? can be used with general statements as well because you only want to talk about the notion as a group, and nothing else.
General topic
?? ?????. (Bread is food.)
Bread, for one, is food.
General subject
?? ?????. (Bread is food.)
Out of the given choices, it is bread that is food.
A sentence may have several topics.
Why a topic is not considered as a special case of a subject will be explained later.
【 在 limp 的大作中提到: 】
: Day 1
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