定 Attributive
(a) [FN] = noun + adjective + personal pronoun + determiner
(a) Kucing kecil saya itu = That small cat of mine.
(b) [FN] = noun + personal pronoun + 'yang' + adjective + determiner
(b) Kucing saya yang kecil itu = That small cat of mine.
表 Predicative
Kamu cantik. = You are pretty.
Kamu lucu. = You are funny.
Kucingku nakal. = My cat is naughty.
Nenek sakit. = Grandmother is ill.
Tini sehat. = Tini is healthy.
You are funny.
Kamu ~~adalah/ada~~ lucu.
==> 'adalah' / 'ada' cannot be used here.
My cat is naughty.
Kucingku ~~adalah/ada~~ nakal.
==> 'adalah' / 'ada' cannot be used here.
Tini is healthy.
Tini ~~adalah~~ sehat.
==> 'adalah' / 'ada' cannot be used here.
状 Adverbial
Kakek = grandfather
Nenek = grandmother
Ayah = father
Ibu = mother
Kakak = older brother / older sister
Adik = younger brother / younger sister
Some of these family names,
(bapak, ibu, saudara),
are also used as a 'title' when addressing a person.
Apakah Bapak/Ibu ingin teh manis ?
Does father/mother want sweet tea ?
Do you (Mister/Madam) want sweet tea ?
Kapan Bapak/Ibu pergi ke Jakarta ?
When does father/mother go to jakarta ?
When do you (Mister/Madam) go to Jakarta ?
Saudara saudari, selamat datang di pertemuan ini.
Brothers and sisters, welcome to this gathering.
Bapak/Pak and Ibu/Bu are often used to address someone in a polite way.
It's considered rude to address someone who is older than you are with 'kamu'.
Bapak/Pak and Ibu/Bu can be used as a polite substitute for 'kamu / Anda / kalian'.
Saudara can also be used like that, to address someone of about the same age, also to avoid the use of 'kamu / Anda'.
Saya masak di dapur. = I cook in the kitchen.
Pisau saya tajam. = My knife is sharp.
Wajan saya besar. = My wok is big.
Tini menggoreng pisang di wajan. = Tini fries bananas in the wok.
Tono suka makanan pedas. = Tono likes spicy (hot) food.
Makanan ini perlu bumbu. = This food needs seasoning (spices).
Some verbs related to the kitchen :
potong ==> memotong = to cut, to chop.
iris ==> mengiris = to slice thinly.
masak ==> memasak = to cook (cooking in general).
goreng ==> menggoreng = to fry (oil is used).
rebus ==> merebus = to boil (water is used).
kukus ==> mengukus = to steam (steam of hot water is used).
panggang ==> memanggang = to grill/roast/broil (above coal fire, in an oven).
bakar ==> membakar = to burn ; to grill/roast/broil (same as panggang).
Examples of conjunction words that are used to connect two clauses:
Saya tahu bahwa Tini pintar sekali.
I know that Tini is very clever.
Tini sangat pintar, tetapi dia harus belajar juga.
Tini is very smart, but she has to study as well.
Dia belajar setiap hari agar dia bisa lulus.
She studies every day so that she can graduate.
Jika dia lulus, kita akan membeli hadiah.
If she graduates, we will buy a present.
Nama depannya pendek, yaitu Tini dan Tono.
Their first names are short, i.e. Tini and Tono.
tetapi = tapi <== synonyms ;'tapi' is less formal.
agar = supaya <== synonyms ;'supaya' is less formal.
jika = kalau <== synonyms ;'kalau' is less formal.
Ada yang bergerak di sup saya.
Something is moving in my soup.
【 在 limp 的大作中提到: 】
: Day 1
: adalah ; to be , 强调名词,一般不用
: No
: ...................
FROM 222.90.62.*