mihi ; to me
tibi ; to you
ei ; to him/her
the indirect object, which is in the DATIVE case.
Nomen mihi est...
Imperative (singular)
Da mihi panem! - Give me the bread!
The verb in this sentence, da, is an imperative.
Imperative | Dictionary form | Conjugation
Da! (Give!) | dare, do | 1st
Stude! (Study!) | studere, studeo | 2nd
Lege! (Read!) | legere, lego | 3rd
Dormi! (Sleep!) | dormire, dormio | 4th
Vinum rubrum habeo.
Velisne vinum rubrum?
Liber est in foro.
Velisne panem?
Panem velim.
【 在 limp 的大作中提到: 】
: 坚持几年,看能不能入点门,感觉好难的样子
: Universitas university
: familia family
: ...................
FROM 222.90.61.*