btrfs官方文档,对scrub+raid56的评价是mostly ok
When scrub is started on a RAID56 filesystem, it’s started on all devices that degrade the performance. The workaround is to start it on each device separately. Due to that the device stats may not match the actual state and some errors might get reported multiple times.
【 在 Akyrum 的大作中提到: 】
: 有点怀疑连scrub也不稳定..为什么前一次scrub报错,后一次报0,它对于无法纠正的情况是怎么处置的,不修改硬盘数据、还是随便抹个数到硬盘上?
: 电脑有ecc内存
: 【 在 hgoldfish 的大作中提到: 】
: : btrfs 的 rai ...
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