Thanks for replies – I solved the issue, even though I’d still like to know the reason, why the setup behaves totally different than the live system.
Quick summary: When I try to install the Debian 12, network just doesn’t work.
It doesn’t matter whether I try to use DHCP or a static-IP during setup, just doesn’t work.
When I boot any live-image (I tried several) network works perfectly fine, and even if I ignore that not-working-network during installation, network doesn’t work on the fresh install either.
It also wasn’t a driver problem, which is what I initially thought, I found out the setup also uses the Intel e1000 driver …
So anyway, to cut a long story short, for whatever reason, the setup and fresh installation uses the wrong network interface!
/etc/network/interfaces on setup / fresh-installation:
Iface enp2s5 inet dhcp
/etc/network/interfaces on the live-image:
Iface enp0s25 inet dhcp
So when I found that out, it was obviously an easy fix, replacing “enp2s5” with “enp0s25” and the network works!
I’d never expected that!
Do you have any idea, why the live-images uses the correct interface enp0s25, while any installed system (and the setup) uses a (non-existing?) enp2s5 interface?
【 在 ayaka 的大作中提到: 】
: 你这个,该不是网卡没驱动吧,网卡没驱动真的很麻烦
: net install本身就需要网络啊,选了以后设置网络,那就网络好了继续装就是了,安装组件算不上麻烦吧
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FROM 112.234.86.*