- 主题:关于戒灵王之死
In the books, the prophecy that no man can kill the Witch King was originally done by the Elf Glorfindel, who foretold that "not by the hand of man shall he fall". However, the fact that Merry and Eowyn aren't human males is not the reason why they succeeded in the books: Merry had received an ancient Barrow-blade from Tom Bombadil (a character left out of the movie adaptations), an ancient sword specifically designed to be used against the Witch King's dark magic. It is that specific blade that Merry uses to stab the Witch King in the leg, and the book explains that "no other blade [..] would have dealt that foe a wound so bitter, cleaving the undead flesh, breaking the spell that knit his unseen sinews to his will." Merry's attack therefore made the invincible Witch King temporarily vulnerable to Eowyn's attack, which happened to fulfill the symbolic prophecy that he wouldn't be killed by a man. In the film, Merry never received a Barrow-blade, and he uses a random sword, so in the movie, the prophecy is taken more literally, i.e. only someone other than a human male can kill the Witch King.
FROM 216.240.30.*
【 在 cjon (囧) 的大作中提到: 】
: 从imdb上第三部RotK的Trivia部分抄来的:
: In the books, the prophecy that no man can kill the Witch King was originally done by the Elf Glorfindel, who foretold that "not by the hand of man shall he fall". However, the fact that Merry and Eowyn aren't human males is not the reason why they succeeded in the books: Merry had received an ancient Barrow-blade from Tom Bombadil (a character left out of the movie adaptations), an ancient sword specifically designed to be used against the Witch King's dark magic. It is that specific blade that Merry uses to stab the Witch King in the leg, and the book explains that "no other blade [..] would have dealt that foe a wound so bitter, cleaving the undead flesh, breaking the spell that knit his unseen sinews to his will." Merry's attack therefore made the invincible Witch King temporarily vulnerable to Eowyn's attack, which happened to fulfill the symbolic prophecy that he wouldn't be killed by a man. In the film, Merry never received a Barrow-blade, and he uses a random sword, so in the movie, the prophecy is taken more literally, i.e. only someone other than a human male can kill the Witch King.
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: ┠┼┼○┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┨
FROM 111.199.184.*
【 在 pNeo 的大作中提到: 】
: 电影里的戒灵王脆弱不堪,死得很儿戏
: ceeded in the books: Merry had received an ancient Barrow-blade from Tom Bombadil (a character left out of the movie adaptations), an ancient sword specifically designed to be used against the Witch King's dark magic. It is that specific blade that Merry
: uses to stab the Witch King in the leg, and the book explains that "no other blade [..] would have dealt that foe a wound so bitter, cleaving the undead flesh, breaking the spell that knit his unseen sinews to his will." Merry's attack therefore made the
: ...................
FROM 136.56.37.*
FROM 136.56.44.*

【 在 pNeo 的大作中提到: 】
: 电影里的戒灵王脆弱不堪,死得很儿戏
: 【 在 cjon (囧) 的大作中提到: 】
: ...................
FROM 223.104.77.*
【 在 cjon 的大作中提到: 】
: 是的,有点儿轻率了。这点跟权游里面烘托很久气氛的夜王最后来个千里送人头是异曲同工,嘿嘿。
FROM 36.110.36.*
【 在 pNeo 的大作中提到: 】
: 电影里的戒灵王脆弱不堪,死得很儿戏
FROM 222.129.135.*