另外,还在网上搜索了一下,Quora 的一个回答看起来比较靠谱:
Faramir tells Frodo and Sam that the Horn of Boromir, cloven in two, washed up in Gondor and the halves were taken to Denethor -
The horn of Boromir at least returned in truth, and not in seeming. The horn came, but it was cloven in two, as it were by axe or sword. The shards came severally to shore: one was found among the reeds where watchers of Gondor lay, northwards below the infalls of the Entwash; the other was found spinning on the flood by one who had an errand in the water. Strange chances, but murder will out, 'tis said.
And now the horn of the elder son lies in two pieces upon the lap of Denethor, sitting in his high chair, waiting for news.
So, the horn was taken to Denethor, and later he heard Faramir’s recounting of seeing his brother in the elven boat.
【 在 williamtong 的大作中提到: 】
: 有可能,第三集刚铎摄政王收到他长子之死的信物就是一个破碎的牛角/号角?
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