Martin Freeman was perfect as Bilbo; he feels like a faithful portrayal of Bilbo from the book. He shines every scene which focusses on him, though he gets sidelined too much during large parts of DoS and most of BoFA. By comparison, Frodo is a crying wimp in the movies with little resemblance to the books. Book Frodo is more mature, more loyal to his friends and far braver.
https://www.reddit.com/r/lotr/comments/xo69pv/the_hobbit_trilogy_is_better_than_the_lotr_trilogy/对于“霍比特三部曲优于魔戒三部曲”的观点,我不能同意;但我很赞同他说的关于 Bilbo 和 Frodo 之间的比较。
【 在 williamtong 的大作中提到: 】
: 其实bilbo比frodo更伟大
: 拖延时间弄死三个食人妖,救矮人第一次
: 掉进山洞偷偷溜开,拿到大杀器魔戒
: ...................
FROM 136.56.37.*