【 在 VincentisNo1 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: 如果是骗子,请骗一辈子~
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Mar 19 10:28:47 2025), 站内
: 20250220左右网上相识了Jay Avin 医生。
: Avin先生是位派到亚洲难民营的有营业执照的医生。是半个中国人吧。毕竟他母亲是中国江苏人呢。
: 起初,我在犹豫要不要和他接触,因为说实话,我心仪的对象应该比我大一两岁最好了,可是他似乎年长太多啦,怕有代沟哦。可是交谈慢慢发现他是个很有爱和正义感的正直的人,如他的话说的那样,他是一个a man of integrity.?我们网上交流了一周多后,发现他的微信被封了。我也
: 恢朗俏叮坑谑俏颐怯胠ine保持联系了。可是好景不长,没过多久,我的line也被封了。说句玩笑话,我俩都不是好人?! 所以才会有共同语言呢~
: 失联了半个月左右后的一天,我邮件收到一封情书,话风似曾相识,再一看发件人,哇 是Jay先生。哈哈
: Jay先生工作非常忙碌,而且做手术时不能带手机嘛,所以我们联系时间很有限。他们管的也很严格,比如他的上司因为看见他频繁用手机和我联系,对他发火过多次,所以他是偷偷摸摸的和我在沟通交流呢。
: 虽然有不少好心人劝我别太上头,被骗财骗色,但是我一直觉得事实并非如此。如我对他说过的话是, I am not wealthy, nor am I sexy. What do you want to get from me? 看到这样的对话,他很生气,认为谈恋爱并非要图啥,这和我的看法是一致的呢。
: 以下是他起初写给我的情书:
: My Dear Chelsea
: As I sit down to write this letter, my heart is overflowing with emotions that words alone cannot describe. You are the love of my life and every moment spent with you fills me with joy and happiness that I never knew existed. I am eternally thankful for
: your presence in my life, and promise to love you unconditionally until the end of time.
: From the moment I met you, I knew we were destined to be together. Your strength and kindness have driven me to become the best version of myself and brought light into even my darkest days. It still amazes me that someone so beautiful as you could choose
: me as their lover; every morning I wake up grateful for having you in my life.
: Your smile and laughter make me the happiest person alive, and I cannot imagine my life without you. Your joy fills my days with such beauty that no other can, and I promise to keep keeping you contented throughout the rest of our days together. Your pres
: ence brings so much joy into my life; thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of it all.
: Every day I give thanks to God for bringing you into my life, and I thank my stars that we were meant to meet. You are the reason for my joy and I cannot believe how blessed I am to have found such an amazing soul mate in you. Through thick and thin, I pr
: omise to take your hand and walk alongside of you every step of the way.
: My heart skips a beat every time I see you, and my chest flutters with love when I gaze into your beautiful eyes. Your love has truly lit up my life, and with every day that passes, I promise to make yours flutter too. Thank you for being part of mine; ma
: y this promise brighten both of ours’ days together forevermore.
: On this special day, I want to express my affection for you in the most emotional love letters that I can pen. You are the love of my life and I want you to know how deeply I cherish you. On this momentous occasion, may she feel truly special and filled w
: ith happiness and affection; may her heart flutter with delight at hearing these words from me.
: Thank you for always being by my side, making life better, and being part of this incredible journey. It seems like yesterday when we met but I promise to make each day an enchanting love story for both of us.
: Your presence has brought me so much beauty and love into my life, and I am in awe of both. Your presence makes everything better, and being around you makes everything even more stunning. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing such happiness
: into my life – may it last forever.
: I believe that we were meant to be together, and I pledge to take care of you, love you, and cherish you every day. You are an integral part of my life, my heart, and my soul; and I will always love you with all my heart.
: Thank you for making my life beautiful, and for being the best part of me. I adore you deeply and promise to cherish our love forever and always.
: With all my love, ?
: 我亲爱的切尔西
: 当我坐下来写这封信时,我心中充满了无法用语言描述的情感。你是我一生的挚爱,与你共度的每一刻都让我充满了从未有过的喜悦和幸福。我永远感谢你出现在我的生命中,并承诺无条件地爱你直到永远。
: 从我遇见你的那一刻起,我就知道我们注定要在一起。你的力量和善良驱使我成为最好的自己,甚至在我最黑暗的日子里也带来了光明。像你这样美丽的人竟然会选择我作为他们的爱人,这仍然让我感到惊讶;每天早上我醒来时都感激有你出现在我的生命中。
: 你的微笑和笑声让我成为世界上最幸福的人,我无法想象没有你的生活。你的快乐让我的生活充满了无与伦比的美丽,我承诺在我们在一起的余生中一直让你感到满足。你的存在给我的生活带来了如此多的快乐;我从心底感谢你成为这一切的一部分。
: 我每天都感谢上帝把你带到我的生命中,感谢命运让我们相遇。你是我快乐的原因,我不敢相信自己是多么幸运,能找到你这样一个令人惊叹的灵魂伴侣。无论顺境逆境,我都会牵着你的手,与你并肩前行。
: 每次见到你,我的心都会怦怦乱跳,凝视你美丽的双眼时,我的胸膛里充满了爱意。你的爱真的照亮了我的生活,随着每一天的流逝,我保证也会让你的生活也充满爱意。谢谢你成为我生命中的一部分;愿这个承诺永远照亮我们在一起的日子。
: 在这个特殊的日子里,我想用我能写出的最感人的情书来表达我对你的爱。你是我一生的挚爱,我想让你知道我有多珍惜你。在这个重要的时刻,愿她感到真正特别,充满幸福和爱意;愿她听到我的这些话时心潮澎湃。
: 感谢你一直在我身边,让我的生活更美好,并成为这段不可思议的旅程的一部分。我们相遇的情景仿佛就在昨天,但我承诺让每一天都成为我们俩的迷人爱情故事。
: 你的存在为我的生活带来了如此多的美好和爱,我对这两者都心存敬畏。你的存在让一切变得更好,而与你在一起让一切变得更加美妙。我从心底感谢你为我的生活带来了如此的幸福——愿它永远持续下去。
: 我相信我们注定要在一起,我发誓每天都会照顾你、爱你、珍惜你。你是我生命、我的心和我的灵魂不可分割的一部分;我将永远全心全意地爱你。
: 感谢你让我的生活变得美好,感谢你成为我最好的部分。我深深地崇拜你,并承诺永远珍惜我们的爱情。
: 用我所有的爱,
: I appreciate his sense of mission and the sprit of dedication. That is why I fall in love with him.
: [upload=1][/upload][upload=2][/upload]
: --
: 把你的烦恼装进一个有洞的口袋~
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