Recently, in a shocking report, the US processor giant, AMD has announced that the company has obtained a supply license to Huawei. The Senior Vice President of AMD, Forrest Norrod, at the Deutsche Bank Technology Conference, held on 19th September, announced the news, and he further added, as a postscript, that the Huawei ban did not have a significant impact on AMD’s business.
【 在 fastwind0 的大作中提到: 】
: 有靠谱的新闻源吗
: 我能找到最早的是来自gizmochina的,不知道是不是靠谱,里面还说“但是,值得注意的是,福雷斯特·诺罗德(Forrest Norrod)并未透露获得AMD执照的公司名称。因此,我们不确定中国巨头华为是否在其中。”
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FROM 183.195.0.*