IP名称:14-bit 3阶调制器线路IP;
Shujaat Nadeem was born in Multan, Pakistan, in 1965. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in 1989, and the Ph.D. degree in 1993 in Electrical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technonology, Cambridge, MA. His graduate work focuses on oversampled analog-to-digital converters for high-resolution and multichannel applications. His research interests include analog-to-digital converters, operational amplifiers, and analog circuit applications for image and signal processing.
八卦消息:Shujaat Nadeem毕业后转行从事外汇衍生产品交易工作,现为沙特阿拉伯Samba金融集团业务副总裁,同时担任巴基斯坦桑巴银行有限公司董事长。
FROM 125.84.185.*