there are a few categories that commonly fall under the kinky sex umbrella:
BDSM. When most people think of kinky sex, they think of BDSM, a four-letter acronym that stands for six different things: Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission, Sadism, and Masochism. BDSM includes an extremely wide range of activities, from light paddle spanking and dominant/submissive role-playing to bondage parties and pain play.
Fantasy and role-playing. One of the most common forms of kinky sex involves creating imagined scenarios. This could be as simple as talking about a fantasy in bed, to as complex as wearing costumes or acting out scenes in front of strangers.
Fetishes. One out of four men and women are interested in fetish play, defined as treating a nonsexual object or body part sexually. Common fetishes include the feet and shoes, leather or rubber, and diaper play (yes).
Voyeurism or exhibitionism. Watching someone undress or watching a couple have sex without their knowledge are common voyeur fantasies, while having sex in a public place is one form of exhibitionism. Both are surprisingly common (and kinky) — 35 percent of adults surveyed were interested in voyeurism.
Group sex. Threesomes, sex parties, orgies, and more — group sex is any act that involves more than two people. Ten percent of womenTrusted Source and 18 percent of men have participated in group sex, while even higher percentages voiced interest in the idea.
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