The agenda of next meetings of Krasil'shchik's seminar on geometry of
differential equations at the Independent University of Moscow joint
with the seminar of Laboratories 6 and 82 of the ICS RAS.
14 April seminar will be held online only.
Speaker: Yuri Sachkov
Title: Sub-Riemannian geometry on the group of motions of the plane
Language: English
Zoom: Passcode: 2547
We will discuss the unique, up to local isometries, contact
sub-Riemannian structure on the group SE(2) of proper motions of the
plane (aka group of rototranslations). The following questions will be
- geodesics,
- their local and global optimality,
- cut time, cut locus, and spheres,
- infinite geodesics,
- bicycle transform and relation of geodesics with Euler elasticae,
- group of isometries and homogeneous geodesics,
- applications to imaging and robotics.
Joint work with Andrei Ardentov.
The seminar meets on Wednesday evenings at 19:20 MSK in Zoom,
Meeting ID: 88 17 12 1842
Offline meetings are possible on 21 April, 12 and 19 May.
FROM 211.161.245.*