Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Klas Modin (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
What makes nonholonomic integrators work?
15:15-16:15 GMT(*)
08:15 Los Angeles, 10:15 Mexico City, 11:15 New York, 12:15 Rio de Janeiro, 16:15 London, 17:15 Rome, 18:15 Moscow, 20:45 Delhi, 23:15 Beijing, 01:15 Sydney
(*) Please note that this seminar, as well as that of June 8th, will exceptionally begin 15 minutes later than usual.
Zoom ID: 872 9496 2883
Zoom Password: 169876
Abstract: A "nonholonomic integrator" is a numerical method specifically designed for nonholonomic systems. But what does that mean? In this talk I show that KAM theory can be used to rigorously explain the observed superior behaviour of such methods (in terms of near conservation of integrals for integrable systems). I also give examples of integrable nonholonomic systems for which nonholonomic integrators fail to nearly conserve the integrals.
The Zoom Meeting opens 15 minutes earlier for socialization (at 15:00 GMT).
Zoom credentials will be emailed to registered participants 24 hours before the talk.
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