The next talk in the One World Optimization Seminar series ( will be given by Patrick Mehlitz (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg) on the topic "Optimization Problems with Geometric Constraints: Asymptotic Stationarity and an Augmented Lagrangian Method" tomorrow, November 1, 2021 at 15:30 CET.
Please find below the information for accessing the Zoom room including the required passcode and be aware that Europe moved to winter time last night.
We are looking forward to meeting you tomorrow!
Best wishes,
Radu Bot
Shoham Sabach
Mathias Staudigl
Topic: One World Optimization Seminar: Talk Patrick Mehlitz
Time: Nov 1, 2021 15:30 Vienna
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 991 3870 4603
Passcode: 248928
FROM 103.81.87.*