- 主题:数学史课程:从几何视角 by Lynn Heller
任课老师: Lynn Heller (Research Fellow)
时间: 19:20 - 20:55, Wed, 9/21/2022 - 12/14/2022
地点: 近春园西楼三层会议室
在线: Zoom: 293 812 9202 PW: BIMSA
是否录像: No
级别: Undergraduate
语言: English
In this course we look at the life and work of some of the most influential Mathematicians including David Hilbert, Felix Klein, Emmy Noether and Bernhard Riemann. The aim is twofold. On the one hand, we would like to introduce the historical figures and convey the flavor of how Mathematics were conducted at that time, on the other hand, I would also like to show how (in a possibly modern interpretation) their work continue to be influencial today. Along the way we will also be encountering some specifics of the German culture and in particular the different educational and academic system.
I was born in Wuhan and grew up in the little German town Gottingen, which was home to an extraordinary amount of great Mathematicians (and Nobel prize winners) including all the Mathematicians discussed in the course. I studied economics at the FU Berlin and Mathematics at TU Berlin from 2003-2007 and obtained my PhD from Eberhard Karls University Tübingen in 2012. Thereafter, I stayed in Tübingen as a Postdoc till I got a Juniorprofessorship in 2017 at the Leibniz University in Hannover.
教师Email: jing.yang.heller@googlemail.com
助教: Sangsan Warakkagun博士, sangsanw@bimsa.cn
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下次课讲curvature tensor
【 在 vinbo 的大作中提到: 】
: 雁栖湖数学中心本学期新开的课。我本来不打算听,今天突然心血来潮听了一次,感觉还行。比丘先生的课讲的细,整体不如丘先生的,面铺的也没有那么广。打算继续听下去。
: 任课老师: Lynn Heller (Research Fellow)
: 时间: 19:20 - 20:55, Wed, 9/21/2022 - 12/14/2022
: ...................
FROM 211.161.249.*
【 在 vinbo 的大作中提到: 】
: 雁栖湖数学中心本学期新开的课。我本来不打算听,今天突然心血来潮听了一次,感觉还行。比丘先生的课讲的细,整体不如丘先生的,面铺的也没有那么广。打算继续听下去。
: 任课老师: Lynn Heller (Research Fellow)
: 时间: 19:20 - 20:55, Wed, 9/21/2022 - 12/14/2022
: ...................
FROM 211.161.249.*
【 在 vinbo 的大作中提到: 】
: 雁栖湖数学中心本学期新开的课。我本来不打算听,今天突然心血来潮听了一次,感觉还行。比丘先生的课讲的细,整体不如丘先生的,面铺的也没有那么广。打算继续听下去。
: 任课老师: Lynn Heller (Research Fellow)
: 时间: 19:20 - 20:55, Wed, 9/21/2022 - 12/14/2022
: ...................
FROM 182.51.86.*
【 在 vinbo 的大作中提到: 】
: 雁栖湖数学中心本学期新开的课。我本来不打算听,今天突然心血来潮听了一次,感觉还行。比丘先生的课讲的细,整体不如丘先生的,面铺的也没有那么广。打算继续听下去。
: 任课老师: Lynn Heller (Research Fellow)
: 时间: 19:20 - 20:55, Wed, 9/21/2022 - 12/14/2022
: ...................
FROM 182.51.86.*