- 主题:测试chatGPT帖 (有积分奖励)
【 在 cjon 的大作中提到: 】
: ChatGPT这段解释似乎不对:
: 按照相对论的观点,时间是相对的,不同的惯性参考系会有不同的时间流逝速率。因此,当一个孪生子乘坐飞船以接近光速的速度旅行时,他的时间相对于地球上的孪生子会慢下来。当他返回地球时,他会发现地球上的孪生子已经年老了,而他自己却几乎没有变老。
: 然而,这个情况看起来似乎违背了常识,因为按照地球上的孪生子的观点,他自己是静止不动的,而飞船上的孪生子才是在运动的。按照这种观点,飞船上的孪生子的时间应该是更慢才对,而不是更快。
FROM 211.161.243.*
【 在 cjon 的大作中提到: 】
: 谢谢版主奖励积分。目前看,ChatGPT还不如搜索引擎,尤其是对学术问题而言。
FROM 211.161.243.*
Sent message. 请解释狭义相对论中的孪生子佯谬
Searching for: 狭义相对论中的孪生子佯谬
Searching for: 狭义相对论中的孪生子佯谬
Searching for: twin paradox special relativity
Searching for: twin paradox special relativity
Generating answers for you…
Generating answers for you…
Received message. 您好,这是必应。孪生子佯谬是一个思想实验,用来展示狭义相对论中的时间膨胀概念。在孪生子佯谬中,一对双胞胎中的一个乘坐火箭飞船离开地球,以接近光速的速度旅行,而另一个留在地球上。由于时间膨胀的影响,火箭上的那个双胞胎比地球上的那个双胞胎老得少 。
Learn more:
1. scienceabc.com
2. space.com
3. scienceabc.com
4. britannica.com
5. scientificamerican.com
Sent message. 你的解释呢?
FROM 211.161.243.*
【 在 vinbo 的大作中提到: 】
: bing的chatbot太sb了:
: 请解释狭义相对论中的孪生子佯谬
: Sent message. 请解释狭义相对论中的孪生子佯谬
: ...................
FROM 211.161.243.*
draw a circle with a quare in it, with matlab language.
Sent message. draw a circle with a quare in it, with matlab language.
Searching for: draw a circle with a square in it with matlab language
Searching for: draw a circle with a square in it with matlab language
Generating answers for you…
Generating answers for you…
One possible way to draw a circle with a square in it with MATLAB language is to use the rectangle function twice, once for the square and once for the circle1. Here is an example of using this method:
%// size of the square
s = 4;
%// center of the square
c = [3 3];
%// position of the square
pos1 = [c-s/2 s s];
%// draw the square
axis equal
hold on
%// radius of the circle
r = s/2;
%// position of the circle
pos2 = [c-r 2*r 2*r];
%// draw the circle
rectangle('Position',pos2,'Curvature',[1 1],'FaceColor','white')
hold off
Received message. One possible way to draw a circle with a square in it with MATLAB language is to use the rectangle function twice, once for the square and once for the circle. Here is an example of using this method: ```matlab %// size of the square s = 4; %// center of the square c = [3 3]; %// position of the square pos1 = [c-s/2 s s]; %// draw the square rectangle('Position',pos1,'FaceColor','black') axis equal hold on %// radius of the circle r = s/2; %// position of the circle pos2 = [c-r 2*r 2*r]; %// draw the circle rectangle('Position',pos2,'Curvature',[1 1],'FaceColor','white') hold off ```
Learn more:
1. mathworks.com
2. mathworks.com
3. geeksforgeeks.org
no, I want the quare in the circle.
Sent message. no, I want the quare in the circle.
Searching for: draw a square in a circle with matlab language
Searching for: draw a square in a circle with matlab language
Generating answers for you…
Generating answers for you…
Sorry, I misunderstood your request. One possible way to draw a square in a circle with MATLAB language is to use the rectangle function for both shapes12. Here is an example of using this method:
%// radius of the circle
r = 2;
%// center of the circle
c = [3 3];
%// position of the circle
pos1 = [c-r 2*r 2*r];
%// draw the circle
rectangle('Position',pos1,'Curvature',[1 1],'FaceColor','black')
axis equal
hold on
%// size of the square
s = r*sqrt(2);
%// position of the square
pos2 = [c-s/2 s s];
%// draw the square
hold off
Received message. Sorry, I misunderstood your request. One possible way to draw a square in a circle with MATLAB language is to use the rectangle function for both shapes . Here is an example of using this method: ```matlab %// radius of the circle r = 2; %// center of the circle c = [3 3]; %// position of the circle pos1 = [c-r 2*r 2*r]; %// draw the circle rectangle('Position',pos1,'Curvature',[1 1],'FaceColor','black') axis equal hold on %// size of the square s = r*sqrt(2); %// position of the square pos2 = [c-s/2 s s]; %// draw the square rectangle('Position',pos2,'FaceColor','white') hold off ```
Learn more:
1. mathworks.com
2. mathworks.com
3. mathworks.com
4. mathworks.com
【 在 vinbo 的大作中提到: 】
: 这是bing自己的chat吧?假装chatGPT糊弄大众的?
FROM 211.161.243.*
【 在 vinbo 的大作中提到: 】
: 但是这货确实会编程,虽然理解能力差了点。我要求画个圈里面套个方块,结果他套反了,我提醒了一次,又画对了。
: draw a circle with a quare in it, with matlab language.
: Sent message. draw a circle with a quare in it, with matlab language.
: ...................
FROM 211.161.243.*
【 在 cjon 的大作中提到: 】
: 估计是弱化版,后台的数据库不够强大。
FROM 115.173.237.*
【 在 cjon 的大作中提到: 】
: 典型的不干正事儿啊,我是看不出这玩意儿有啥前景。
: 碰到技术和学术问题,我还是宁愿自己手动去搜索、排除、选择答案。
FROM 115.173.237.*
【 在 cjon 的大作中提到: 】
: 应该是想用类似AlphaZero的神经网络算法增强NLP的能力,但这个能前进到多远,真不好说。围棋毕竟是有确定规则的游戏,而语言的弹性太大了。
FROM 115.173.237.*
What is Lie groupoid?
A Lie groupoid is a mathematical object that generalizes the notion of a Lie group. Whereas a Lie group is a group that is also a smooth manifold, a Lie groupoid is a category that is also a smooth manifold, in which the morphisms are invertible with respect to some operation, and the composition and inversion operations are smooth.
More formally, a Lie groupoid is a category equipped with a smooth structure such that the set of morphisms between any two objects is a smooth manifold, and the composition and inversion operations are smooth maps.
Lie groupoids play an important role in geometry and topology, and they have applications in fields such as differential geometry, algebraic geometry, and physics. One important example of a Lie groupoid is the tangent groupoid of a smooth manifold, which is the category whose objects are points on the manifold and whose morphisms are tangent vectors at those points. Another important example is the fundamental groupoid of a space, which is the category whose objects are points on the space and whose morphisms are homotopy classes of paths connecting those points.
FROM 211.161.243.*