The agenda of next meetings of Krasil'shchik's seminar on geometry of
differential equations at the Independent University of Moscow.
On 5 April seminar will be held online only.
Speaker: Konstantin Druzhkov
Title: Lagrangian formalism and the intrinsic geometry of PDEs
Language: English
Zoom Passcode: 0504
This report is an attempt to answer the following question. Where
exactly does a differential equation contain information about its
variational nature? Apparently, in the general case, the concept of a
presymplectic structure as a closed variational 2-form may not be
sufficient to describe variational principles in terms of intrinsic
geometry. I will introduce the concept of an internal Lagrangian and
relate it to the Vinogradov C-spectral sequence.
The seminar meets on Wednesday evenings at 19:20 MSK in Zoom,
Meeting ID: 88 17 12 1842
FROM 211.161.243.*