04.05.2023 in 6 p.m. (Moscow time)
a meeting of a seminar
on the History of Mathematics will take place online
1. P.L. Lavrov is the author of the first course of lectures on the history of mathematics in Russia. To the bicentenary of his birth
- Galina I. Sinkevich (St.-Petersburg)
2. The Problem of rotation of a rigid body around a fixed point and the Tautochrone Problem
in Somov fundamental research
- Anna O. Yulina (St.-Petersburg)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89374439505 , password mkn
When entering Zoom, specify your name and surname
Announcements of upcoming reports and video workshops are located on the site of the seminar on the History of Mathematics Petersburg Mathematical Institute
FROM 211.161.243.*