- 主题:2023 Summer events
1.The many interactions of symplectic and Poisson geometry (in honour of Alan Weinstein's 80th birthday)
created by tortorella on 11 Oct 2022
19 jun 2023 - 23 jun 2023
Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
The conference
This is a conference in honour of Alan Weinstein on the year of his 80th birthday. The theme of the conference encompasses the various mathematical fields to which Alan Weinstein has contributed during his career, including contact and symplectic geometry, Poisson geometry, micro-local analysis, and geometric mechanics.
XV International ICMAT Summer School on Summer School
on Geometry, Dynamics and Field theory
Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid. July 10-11 2023
Dynamical Systems, Mechanics and Control
A workshop in honor to Anthony Bloch
Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid. July 12-14 2023
修改:vinbo FROM 211.161.218.*
FROM 211.161.218.*
FROM 211.161.245.*
wk, 终于又被我周旋成功了,一个纯线下的被我楞被我磨成线上的了,哈哈哈哈哈哈
Dear *** and ***,
for the Weinstein conference, as a recent development,
1) the talks will be broadcasted live on the Youtube channel of IHP
https://www.youtube.com/@InstitutHenriPoincare, and
2) the recordings will be available online afterwards.
This, except for the talks whose speaker objects to this.
FROM 202.121.181.*
【 在 Z5boy 的大作中提到: 】
: nb
FROM 202.121.181.*
原来辛几何的旗帜性人物Alan Weistein是陈省身的得意弟子
FROM 211.161.245.*
原来我不是唯一一个觉得这个Lie algebroid报告是最简单的,后面提问一下多了起来
FROM 211.161.245.*
【 在 vinbo 的大作中提到: 】
: 1.The many interactions of symplectic and Poisson geometry (in honour of Alan Weinstein's 80th birthday)
: created by tortorella on 11 Oct 2022
: 19 jun 2023 - 23 jun 2023
: ...................
FROM 211.161.245.*
【 在 vinbo 的大作中提到: 】
: 什么鬼操作,我就问了问能不能远程参加,结果不知道谁在没回我邮件的情况下把我从已注册列表删了,这都什么人啊
FROM 211.161.245.*