- 主题:20230619~23 Alan Weinstein 80寿辰学术会议之辛几何与泊松几何
The many interactions of symplectic and Poisson geometry (in honour of Alan Weinstein's 80th birthday)
created by tortorella on 11 Oct 2022
19 jun 2023 - 23 jun 2023
Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
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The conference
This is a conference in honour of Alan Weinstein on the year of his 80th birthday. The theme of the conference encompasses the various mathematical fields to which Alan Weinstein has contributed during his career, including contact and symplectic geometry, Poisson geometry, micro-local analysis, and geometric mechanics.
FROM 211.161.245.*
FROM 211.161.245.*
FROM 211.161.245.*
震惊。鼎鼎大名的Ana cannas da silva, 我一直以为是个老太太,跟昨天Alan的某个老迷妹一样,结果看到的是一个满头银发,晃着马尾辫的活泼的大美女……关键是她的报告是完全面向菜鸟的,然后我一边感动着一边流着哈喇子,听完了一个小时的报告。结束后google了一下,Ana今年55岁,真的难得。
FROM 211.161.245.*
FROM 211.161.245.*