- 主题:seminar20231124 Fenichel Theory–coordinate independent fra
Fenichel Theory – a coordinate independent framework
时间 Datetime
2023-11-24 10:00 — 11:00
地点 Venue
Zoom APP()
报告人 Speaker
Martin Wechselberger
单位 Affiliation
University of Sydney
邀请人 Host
备注 remarks
Zoom number: 83367790049 Pin:231124
报告摘要 Abstract
In this talk, I present a coordinate-independent framework of geometric singular perturbation theory which goes back to Fenichel's original work, but hasn't received too much attention. I will motivate this point-of-view through biochemical reaction network problems which display distinct temporal features. In mathematical terms, such multiple timescale models are often singular perturbation problems "beyond the standard form" that require a coordinate-independent framework of Fenichel Theory. We then present a corresponding parametrisation method for computing slow manifolds and their fast fibre bundles in such singular perturbation problems. In particular, we highlight the emergence of possible hidden timescales and show how our method can uncover these surprising multiple-timescale structures.
修改:vinbo FROM 124.14.45.*
FROM 202.120.11.*
FROM 202.120.11.*
【 在 Z5boy 的大作中提到: 】
: 羡慕你会奇异摄动法
: 当年看别人用他来解板的大挠度方程,没看懂
FROM 211.161.217.*
【 在 Z5boy 的大作中提到: 】
: 看久以前看的文章了
: 当时觉得运算量太大,又不会符号运算的软件,就放弃了
FROM 211.161.217.*