Inviter: 何伟鲲
Proofs of two or infinity conjectures for Reeb orbits and closed geodesics
Language: Chinese
Time & Venue:
2023.11.23 14:00-15:00 腾讯会议:646-947-901
In this talk, we give a proof of the conjecture of Hofer-Wysocki-Zehnder published in 2003 asserting that a smooth and autonomous Hamiltonian flow on R4 has either two or infinitely many simple periodic orbits on any regular compact connected energy level that is transverse to the radial vector field.. As its corollary, we also prove a longstanding conjecture of Bangert-Long that every irreversible Finsler metric on S2 has either two or infinitely many prime closed geodesics. This talk is based on my joint work with Cristofaro-Gardiner, Hryniewicz and Hutchings .
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FROM 202.120.11.*